Unique & Powerful
“Go to Puerto Rico and Fix It!” Perfecting the Art of Decision Making and Delegation

Many leaders jump to speedy solutions before they have taken the effort to thoroughly understand the problem they are trying to solve.
There are three logical reasons for this: it is easy to overlook small aspects of a problem; every leader is forced to make so many decisions a day, and there is a variable and sometimes unpredictable amount riding on any decision. The fact is, a small problem can become a big crisis quickly. The results of any size decision can be fabulous or disastrous. Mastering decision making is a critical skill for leaders at every level of an organization, and those who hope to become leaders.
In this clear, well-organized presentation by a former top Army General, your audience members will be introduced to a high-level , battle-tested system to frame or define complex problems so that they can arrive at the best solutions every time.
Here’s what your audience will get:
- The General will reveal the well-proven “MDMP”, the Military Decision Making Process that every military leader learns in the course of training
- What happened when General Buchanan was tapped to handle the military response to the disaster (and early disastrous response) to Hurricane Maria, when his superior officer General Robinson simply called him and said, “Go to Puerto Rico and Fix it” and what it means to every leader trying to solve problems in a crisis and without adequate information
- The “Magnificent Five” steps to ensure one is correctly framing and defining the problem before seeking solutions:
1. Understand the environment, the conditions, and risks
2. Identify the stakeholders and their points of view
3. List potential problems and determine connections
4. Analyze friction points and establish the core problem
5. Collect information to validate the problem - Why effective delegation of responsibility requires a shared understanding between the leader and the team, illustrated by how a misunderstanding of the ever-changing nature of the threat had dire consequences for troops in Iraq
- An awareness that factors in a complex situation will naturally change over time. When complex problems change, even if the best problem-solving decisions are what elicits that change, then the decision-making factors must be accurately reconsidered and choices recalibrated. This happened in Puerto Rico when troops were delivering desperately-needed drinking water to the victims of Hurricane Maria. Using the hard-won methods General Buchanan teaches in this presentation, leaders will know how to be alert for changes and how to best modify their decisions to accommodate.
Participants will leave with a better understanding of the nature of complex problems, the many variables affecting the options for excellent decisions, how to efficiently frame those problems as they create innovative solutions, and how to stay alert for changes that require new decisions. They will be inspired to excel at decision making, even in perilous or stressful circumstances.
With a sound foundation regarding decision making and its resultant delegation strategies, participants will be armed to face toughest challenges so they can fight and win every time.
Speaker Inquiry Form
To inquire about Jeffrey S. Buchanan's availability, rates and customization options, please contact his speaking agent Wendy Keller at (800) 278-8706 ext. 711 or fill in the form below.