Unique & Powerful
Leadership Lessons

It’s not often you get to learn leadership skills from someone who has held the lives of more than 50,000 human beings in his palm. General Jeffrey S. Buchanan (ret.) has learned, lived, applied and adapted more leadership skills on battlegrounds around the world than most people could learn from a lifetime of reading books and sitting in offices.
The General speaks with a sincerity, candor, courage and a sense of valor and wisdom. Audiences of leaders and those who aspire to lead sit in rapt attention, even those who are jaded by “just another speaker.” Give your people a reward that brings results: invite General Buchanan to keynote at your next event.
Take Charge of Your Life and Reach Your Potential
When audience members see their own possible future differently, and are shown the skills they can implement to realistically reach those goals, they’ll be inspired and motivated to achieve the incredible potential level of excellence that each person has.
Don’t Get Treed by a Chihuahua and Other Ways Leaders Get out of Balance
Learn from an experienced, national-level military leader how to choose what to do – and what to do next – so that they can prioritize their efforts to become both more effective and efficient.
“Go to Puerto Rico and Fix It!” Perfecting the Art of Decision Making and Delegation
Gain a better understanding of complex problems, the many variables affecting the options for excellent decisions, how to efficiently frame those problems, and stay alert for changes requiring new decisions.
See Jeff Speak
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